Type 3
Automated Stench System®
The Type 3 Automatic Stench System® is a revolutionary solution that is patent protected and sets the standard for mine safety. This automated system operates by dispensing the stench at a metered rate, tailored to your specific needs.
It can simultaneously cover multiple sites, even when they are kilometers apart. This capability ensures maximum mine penetration, precise worker exposure rates, and immediate response to any adverse situation within the mine.
With its unmatched reliability and cost-effectiveness, the Type 3 Automatic Stench System® has become the most widely used Mine Warning Device globally. Developed over a span of 30 years, it represents the culmination of continuous innovation and refinement.
Features of Type 3 Automated Stench System
Each system is Custom and Unique and designed to the customer’s specification.
Metered Injection Rate means proper exposure to the workforce.
Continual system feedback
Minimal moving parts
Manual Back-Up Override System
Digital Timer Control (Lockable) System
Multiple Remote Activation hardwire, PLC Rapid, Fiber Optic, Leaky Feeder, Ethernet
Reliable – Zero (0) Return Rate
Top Quality Parts use
Multiple Cylinder Panels are available
Adjustable to Local Environmental Restrictions
All units pre-tested for pressure and Time
Future airflow requirements can be considered at the time of manufacturing – The system can grow as your mine grows
Standard System Includes
Steel Nema Rated Enclosures. Electrical Panel Enclosure configured inside Large Panel Enclosure.
Digital Timer (Lockable) 10-year memory back-up
S.S. & Aluminum injection Parts (Including Valves)
Manual Back-Up System
S.S. Gauge (Pressure)
Single Cylinder Bracket
Ready for Installation
S.S. Continuous Feed Back Transmitter
Electrical Dwg’s & Installation Manuals
Optional Equipment & Services
Multiple Cylinder Application Enclosures
Heater & Insulation Package for Below Zero Deg Celsius Applications.
Status Indication – Push to Test Lighted Buttons Station
Fiberglass panels available
S.S. panels available
ESA Approval (Ontario Code)
Support Services and, System Set up Calculation Assistance